What cryptocurrencies does Elon Musk have in his possession?

The CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk stated that he has invested in Bitcoin and Ethereum, two of the world’s most popular cryptos, a portfolio that he has previously discussed.

Elon Musk reinforced his support for joke token Dogecoin in a series of tweets, calling it “the people’s crypto,” as do many of his Tesla and SpaceX staff. However, he stated that he is unaffiliated with the Dogecoin Foundation, which is a non-profit organization.

He claimed that neither he nor his associate Jared Birchall were members of the foundation’s advisory board, which works to promote cryptocurrency through patents, advocacy, and trademark protection.

Is Elon Musk a Shiba Inu owner?

Musk admitted that despite his tweets praising the meme coin Shiba Inu sending it flying in the past, he has not invested in it.

Musk’s response to a question from Twitter user @ShibaInuHolder about how many Shiba Inu tokens he owns was a resounding “None.”

The tweet has angered the Shiba Inu community, with one user, @kkamalx, responded to Musk tweet by saying that why is it necessary for Elon to own any $SHIB in order for it to be valuable? The focus should be on usability.

Shiba Inu rose to $0.000013 earlier this month after Musk tweeted a photo of his puppy, which is the same breed as the token.

There’s also a humorous token called Floki, which is the same name as Musk’s Shiba Inu. However, it looks that he does not possess any of these as well.

Musk’s comments have a huge impact on cryptocurrency prices. When he tweeted, that Tesla would restart accepting bitcoin (BTC-USD) if it became more environmentally friendly, for example, bitcoin skyrocketed.

Influencers impact on cryptocurrencies

Michael Kamerman, CEO of Skilling said that Tweets from influential billionaires like Elon Musk determine the growth and fall of digital assets, as they’ve seen with Dogecoin and now Shiba Inu.

He further said that although social media and financial influencers are excellent at promoting the notion of cryptocurrency, investors must recognize the entertainment value of the internet and investigate bitcoin further before making any judgments.

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