6 Things You Must Know to Participate in the Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon and Contribute to the Ecosystem

The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon is here! Pi Network is excited to kick off 2023 by announcing the launch of a new hackathon aimed at facilitating the development of quality Pi Apps. The hackathon will span from January to February 28th, 2023, and it’s a great opportunity for developers and pioneers to contribute to the network’s growth by building mobile web apps that bring true utility to users.

With over 35 million members worldwide and the required ecosystem infrastructure, Pi Network has developed the most widely used cryptocurrency in recent years. The network will continue to develop and enhance its app platform in 2023 as part of its goal to grow and develop utilities throughout the present Mainnet Enclosed Network timeframe. This will promote community growth and help create an utilities-based ecosystem that is even stronger as a whole.

1. Overview of the Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon

The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon is a competition that invites developers and pioneers to build mobile web apps that address real user needs, support the use of Pi cryptocurrency, and are intuitive to use and accessible to everyday people. The hackathon is open to anyone who wants to participate and is a great way to showcase your skills and creativity.

Purpose of the hackathon

The purpose of the hackathon is to encourage the development of quality Pi Apps that bring true utility to users. Pi Network is building on the momentum from the 2022 College Hackathons and the 2021 Pi Hackathon, and continues to facilitate the development of quality Pi Apps. This hackathon is a great opportunity for developers and pioneers to contribute to the network’s growth and become a part of the Pi Network ecosystem.

Timeline of the hackathon

The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon has started from January 9th, 2023 and will continue to run until February 28th, 2023. Participants will have ample time to come up with creative ideas and develop their apps. The hackathon’s timeline is designed to give participants enough time to come up with their best ideas and develop them into fully-functioning apps. The winners of the hackathon will be announced at the end of the hackathon period.

2. The Challenge in Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon

The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon is all about building mobile web apps that bring true utility to users and support the use of Pi cryptocurrency. In this section, we’ll take a look at the type of apps that are being sought, how to build mobile web apps that address real user needs, and how to support the use of Pi cryptocurrency.

What type of apps are being sought?

The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon is looking for creative, utility-focused apps. These could be entertainment, education, social interaction, access to information, consumer utilities, or anything else you can think of. The aim is to find apps that can bring real value to the users and support the use of Pi cryptocurrency.

How to build mobile web apps that address real user needs?

To build mobile web apps that address real user needs, you’ll need to conduct research and identify the problems that users are facing. Once you have identified the problem, you can then come up with a solution that addresses that problem and is easy for users to understand and use. The key is to keep the user in mind throughout the development process and to ensure that the app is intuitive and user-friendly.

How to support the use of Pi cryptocurrency?

To support the use of Pi cryptocurrency, you’ll need to integrate the Pi cryptocurrency into your app. This can be done by using the Pi Network’s SDK with JavaScript and making API calls. The Pi Network’s SDK is easy to use and doesn’t require any previous blockchain or crypto experience.

By integrating the Pi cryptocurrency into your app, you’ll be able to offer users the ability to send or receive micro-payments, and also enable the use of staking and reward content creators for great content.

Overall, The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon is looking for creative, utility-focused apps that bring real value to the users and support the use of Pi cryptocurrency. To build such apps, you’ll need to conduct research and identify the problems that users are facing, and come up with a solution that addresses that problem and is easy for users to understand and use.

Additionally, you’ll need to integrate the Pi cryptocurrency into your app, which can be done by using the Pi Network’s SDK with JavaScript and making API calls.

3. Themes for Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon

The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon provides several themes for participants to focus on when building their apps. These themes include Social Media, Games/Entertainment, Consumer Utilities and Open innovation. In this section, we’ll take a look at each theme and how to choose a theme and focus your project.

Social Media

The Social Media theme is all about creating a new category of social media that allows users to send or receive micro-payments as part of this new category of social media you are creating. You can innovate and bring micro-transactions into social media for the first time.


The Games/Entertainment theme is for all sorts of entertainment and games. Show the hackathon organizers your best games and entertainment apps that will keep the audience engaged in any way you can imagine. Don’t forget to integrate the Pi cryptocurrency as closely as possible to your ideas.

Consumer Utilities

The Consumer Utilities theme is for all apps that provide utilities to the members of the Pi Network or to other businesses. Examples might be loyalty programs for companies that make blockchain technology accessible to the public, market apps, educational platforms, and more.

Open innovation

The Open Innovation theme is all about showing the hackathon organizers your best idea. This category is for people who want to make something completely original and are not constrained by the categories indicated above.

How to choose a theme and focus your project?

When choosing a theme, it’s important to consider your skills, interests, and the problem that you want to solve. For example, if you’re interested in social media and have experience in developing social media apps, then the Social Media theme may be a good fit for you.

On the other hand, if you’re interested in gaming and have experience in developing games, then the Games/Entertainment theme may be a good fit. It’s also important to consider the problem that you want to solve and how your app can address that problem.

Overall, The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon provides several themes for participants to focus on when building their apps. These themes include Social Media, Games/Entertainment, Consumer Utilities, and Open Innovation. When choosing a theme, it’s important to consider your skills, interests, and the problem that you want to solve. By choosing a theme that aligns with your skills and interests, you’ll be able to create a better app that addresses a real user need and stands a better chance of winning the hackathon.

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4. Prizes and Rewards in Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon

The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon is offering a range of prizes and rewards for participants. In this section, we’ll take a look at the cash prizes, Pi Cryptocurrency rewards, and how to qualify for prizes and rewards.

Cash Prizes

The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon is offering a total of $30,000 in cash prizes. The overall winner will receive $15,000, three runners-up will receive $2,000 each, theme winners for four theme categories will receive $1,000 each, and the winning team of a separate round of judging will receive $5,000. These cash prizes are a great way for participants to earn money for their hard work and creativity.

Pi Cryptocurrency Rewards

In addition to cash prizes, eligible teams and their individual members can earn 100 or more in Pi Cryptocurrency Rewards for achieving the following milestones and accomplishments:

  • 1.00Pi for creating a Pi account with a referral code (existing Pioneers have likely already done this)
  • 5.60Pi for trying out our Demo App code
  • 0.10Pi for Tier 1: Create App on DevPortal
  • 0.50Pi for Tier 2: Run Demo locally on Sandbox
  • 5.00Pi for Tier 3: Deploy Demo App on Servers
  • 1.00Pi for engaging in ecosystem activities

How to qualify for prizes and rewards?

To qualify for prizes and rewards, you’ll need to submit your app for judging at the end of the hackathon period. The apps will be judged based on their creativity, utility, ease of use, and how well they support the use of Pi cryptocurrency. The apps that score the highest in these categories will be awarded the prizes and rewards.

Overall, The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon is offering a range of prizes and rewards for participants. Cash prizes, Pi cryptocurrency rewards for participants who achieve milestones, and the winning teams and individuals will be awarded the prizes and rewards.

To qualify for prizes and rewards, you’ll need to submit your app for judging at the end of the hackathon period, and the apps that score the highest in categories like creativity, utility, ease of use, and how well they support the use of Pi cryptocurrency will be awarded the prizes and rewards.

5. Rules to participate in Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon

How to get started?

Because Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon is an online hackathon, anyone can take part. To get started, you’ll need to create an account on the Pi Network, download the Pi browser app and sign up for the hackathon. Once you’ve done that, you can start researching your idea and building your app. The Pi Network’s brainstorm within Pi browser provides a wealth of information and resources to help you get started and develop your app.

Team formation

Participating in the Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon as a team can be a great way to share ideas and collaborate on your app. The Pi Network provides information on how to form a team and how to communicate with your team members.

Your team can consist of no more than four people. To make a team, you can either invite your friends or request other teams to join them. 

Project Submission Guide 

  • To begin, head to the Pi Brainstorm App and create a new project by following the step-by-step instructions in the Resource Center.
  • Once you’ve created your project, make sure to include a brief yet comprehensive description of your app, no more than 3–4 sentences. Additionally, a video presentation of your app in the form of a YouTube video, no longer than 4 minutes, is also required to be included in the project listing.
  • In the video presentation, provide an overview of your project, including what it is and who your target audience is. Also explain the problem you are solving or user needs you are addressing. Showcase how you solve that problem or need from a user perspective. Additionally, demonstrate how you integrated Pi into your project, and give a demo of the app functionality and user flow.
  • Also, include a brief overview of the technology used, and explain from a technical perspective how you have solved the key problem. Highlight any unique features that you have built into your app and mention any major product qualities or achievements that you want to highlight.
  • Finally, be sure to add a link to the YouTube video in the presentation section of your project proposal on your Brainstorm project for easy access and for the judges to review.
  • You may submit your project as many times as you wish, and your latest submission at the end of project submission date will be considered your final project submission. 

6. Helpful resources for development

The Pi Network’s brainstorm app within the Pi browser provides a wealth of helpful resources for development, including documentation, tutorials, and code samples to help you get started and develop your app.

The app also has a community forum where you can ask questions and get help from other developers. Additionally, Pi Network has a developer discord community where you can interact with other developers and get support from the Pi Network Team.

Recently, Pi Network has also released a YouTube tutorial video on how to develop on Pi. This includes a closer look at their core authentication and payments APIs, as well as how to clone and use their Pi Demo app, which is the fastest and simplest way to get started with Pi Network’s SDK. Check out this video by Pi Network:   

Tutorial video on how to develop on Pi.

Also read about: Join the Crypto Revolution with Pi Network: The Leading Platform for Cryptocurrency Adoption

In conclusion 

The Pi Network 2023 Q1 Hackathon is an exciting opportunity for developers and pioneers to showcase their skills, creativity, and contribute to the growth of Pi Network ecosystem. The hackathon runs from January to February 28th, 2023, and it’s open to anyone who wants to participate. The hackathon is a great way to develop your skills, earn money, and become a part of the Pi Network ecosystem.

Furthermore, the Pi Network provides detailed instructions on how to submit your app and the required format for your submission. Additionally, they provide a wealth of helpful resources for development, including documentation, tutorials, and code samples to help you get started and develop your app. The network also has a community forum where you can ask questions and get help from other developers. You can also join their developer discord community, where you can interact with other developers and get support from the Pi Network Team. The resources and support provided will help you to develop a better app and increase your chances of winning the hackathon.

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Meet Sid, a Chartered Accountant turned versatile wordsmith and creative mind. With a foundation in multinational corporations, Sid's expertise extends to coding (Java, HTML, CSS, PHP, C, Python) and graphic design, where he crafts logos, social media posts, banners, and webpages as a freelancer. His insatiable curiosity fuels a love for in-depth exploration, particularly in Science & Technology, Economics & Finances. Sid's blog posts are a fusion of financial acumen and tech-savvy insights. Beyond academia, he finds joy in discovering and composing music, adding a melodic touch to his diverse pursuits. Join Sid in a journey where intellect meets creativity, each post a testament to his commitment to continuous learning.

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