Pi Hackathon Community Rating has already begun

On 17th September 2021 Pi Network released a notification stating that they have already begun their Pi hackathon community ratings for the apps listed in during Pi hackathon.

Pi Hackathon Community Rating

Pi Hackathon Community Rating has already begun
Image source: twitter.com/PiCoreTeam

The Pi Hackathon sets off the Pi community’s app development on Pi network platform, which will help to encourage ecosystem-building activities and possibly establish real-world utilities and infrastructures. When deciding on winners of Pi hackathon, the Core Team will gladly take Pi hackathon community ratings from Pioneers into account, so the Pioneers are requested to rate the apps.

To begin rating, go to Brainstorm and select “Rate Projects” from the drop-down menu to see a randomized set of finalists. Upvote or downvote the submissions based on your discretion after seeing each team’s video presentation and testing their Pi app by pasting their app URLs into the Pi Browser. You can only make one upvote or downvote per project, and you cannot vote for yourself.

Pi network announcement also said that don’t get discouraged if your project isn’t included in this list. Out of many enlisted apps, the list itself only represents the most promising apps as of now. Just because your app failed this time doesn’t mean it won’t succeed in the future – the race isn’t finished yet. According to the Pi network, they recognize that developing a successful, scalable app with growing user traction is a lengthy process, and they will continue to support your efforts in the future.

Overall, the Pi Hackathon is their first concerted effort to facilitate the creation of community apps. Pi network hopes that you’ve enjoyed following along with them on this journey. Also, be sure to check back in on September 30th when they reveal the winners of hackathon.

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